What We Provide
We’re here to help you.
You will receive groceries based on your household size. This will include pantry staples, and meat, dairy, bakery, and produce as our inventory allows. If you need baby food, please let your Intake Specialist know during your consultation.
Each member of your household will receive two complete outfits. An outfit is a top and a bottom, or a single dress. We sometimes have additional clothing items, like cold weather gear, socks, underwear, pajamas, etc. Generally, these items are one per person and the limits are determined by our Clothing Manager.
Household items like paper products, linens, and cleaning supplies are offered as available. These are generally in extremely limited supply.
Diapers (children and adult), feminine products, and incontinence items are available as needed. Let your intake specialist know if you need these items. Some sizes stay in short supply.
Housewares like decorative items and kitchen utensils and toys (when available) are placed on our “free shelf” in the clothing area, and are available on a first come, first serve basis. The books and magazines in our waiting area are also considered “free” items.