Eastside Ministries Homeless Services
You Have Options
Get the help you need.
If you are experiencing homelessness, we have several program options to support you. Please come to the office door where all clients sign in. You can get a sack lunch with foods like canned meats, crackers, and condiments, or a sandwich, additional snack items like granola bars or yogurt, and beverages, all depending on availability. You can receive a sack lunch each day between the hours of 8:00 and 12:00 PM.
Clients experiencing homelessness may also get the same clothing allowance as our general client services program provides, which is two complete outfits per person, per month.
If you are working with a caseworker and get placed in housing, we offer a Transitions program that provides weekly grocery distribution in addition to the monthly clothing service. We need your consent to communicate with your caseworker, and as long as you remain in the housing placement, we will offer weekly groceries for one year from your move-in date. Speak with one of our Intake specialists to learn more.