Latest News

Screening and Counseling Available

All clients of Eastside now have the option to be screened for depression or anxiety and to receive free counseling if needed.  Let your Intake Specialist know if you would like to fill out the short screening questionnaire.  Counseling appointments with a licensed counselor are scheduled at no cost.

Holidays Are fast Approaching – Donate to a Family for the Holidays

This year, Eastside is continuing its tradition of providing extra groceries to make a special family dinner at either Thanksgiving or Christmas.  If you can help make that possible this year, continue reading below.

Give Holiday Food:

We'll make it easy for you to give!  You can donate money and let Eastside volunteers do the shopping!

Monetary donations will be accepted from now through December 15th.

Or, if you want to do the shopping, please bring to Eastside, between 8AM and noon Monday through Friday, either a frozen turkey or ham, or a canvas bag containing the following ingredients (or of course you may bring both):

Chicken broth (1 can) ****** Cranberry sauce (1 can) ********    Stuffing mix (2 large bogs or boxes) ******       Corn (2 cans)                    *******Green beans (2 cans) ********Jell-O (1 box, any flavor) ******        Fruit (1 can)  ******* Yams (2 cans)  ******Tea (1 box of tea bags)  *********************************************                                       Dessert:        Fruit pie filling (1 can) and Pie crust (1 box) *******OR********        Cake mix (1 box) and Frosting mix (1 can)

Food will be accepted for Thanksgiving giveaway through November 15th, and for Christmas giveaway only from December 1st through December 13th.


If you would like to volunteer to assist with giving out the food on the mornings of November 25th, November 26th and December 18th, December 19th, or December 20th.  Please contact Eastside Ministries at 817-446-3278 to schedule your time.


Supercharge Your Support of Eastside

Donors can make an even larger impact on our neighbors in East Fort Worth by signing up to donate a small amount monthly.  You can help supply a steady income to Eastside without exceeding your monthly budget by giving a little at a time.  Sign up for automatic monthly donations, and then you won’t forget to give this help to others when your life gets hectic.  You will become one of Eastside’s most valued donors.

Click on the following link to supercharge your support by donating monthly:


You and your donation will be appreciated every month.

Items Needed Now

Eastside is currently in need of donations of cold cereal and canned vegetables.  Supplies of these items from Tarrant Area Food Bank are sporadic, and we have had to rely on individual and group donations for these things.  We are also low on hearty soups.  You will be welcome to donate these items on weekdays between 8AM and noon at the door marked “Donations.”

Thank you for making it possible for Eastside to help feed people.


New Operating Hours

Eastside’s operating hours have changed because of an increase in number of clients.  We are now beginning to see clients at 8:00 AM.  We will stop sign-ins at 11:00 for everyone, so that clients can complete the process of signing in, receiving clothing if desired, and receiving food by noon.


Updated Procedures at Eastside

All clients must now check in through the office door (near Putnam Street),  including those who want only a sack lunch and no clothing.  They should line up outside the pantry door as usual.

We can allow only 6 clients in the waiting room at any time; others must wait their turn outside.  Masks are still required for entry into the building, and social distancing must be maintained at all times.  Children are still not allowed inside the building.

We appreciate the patience of our clients during this unusual time of inconvenience for everyone.